AiQ Admin
AiQ Admin
Suzie Batten
Winning Strategies for Garage Owners
When you're running a garage, there are those days that just push all your buttons....
In an industry where competition is as fierce as in the garage business, standing out doesn't just mean being better—it means being different.
Celebrate the success of our Business Accelerator alumni—10 finalists & a top prize in Top Garage awards!
Last weekend saw the return of the Peaky Blenders, as the Auto iQ team headed to Birmingham for their annual presentation at Garage Hive’s The Blend.
If I got £1 for every time I heard the phrase “I don’t see the point in marketing….it’s too expensive” I’d be a wealthy person.
If you’re handling your garage’s marketing, you could be hurting your profit margin.
Concerned about the future of your garage? You should be!
I know what you’re thinking, “eugh sales.” I get it; you’re a business owner or mechanic, and the last thing you ever dreamt of being was a salesman!
Clickbait? On first thought, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that. But bear with me and I’ll show you why there’s a LOT more to the productive output of your technicians than meets the eye.
There’s a saying that resonates throughout our industry. “When you don’t know that you don’t know, is very different than, when you do know that you don’t know”. That saying has never been more true when it comes to vehicle diagnosis.
Is your business idling, accelerating or stuck on the hard shoulder?
Johnny’s Top Seven Tips For Success
The BIG Question - It’s a favourite of mine, and one we ask of all garage owners that join the Auto iQ business development program….